
Sign anything on Your iPhone!

Ever wish you can sign that document someone sent you using just your iPhone? You can!
Here is how to sign, date, and add notes to anything on your iPhone.
You can sign, date, and add notes to anything on your iPhone by first taking a screenshot of a document or using an existing photo.
Open the screenshot or photo and touch “Edit” at the top of the screen.
Touch the “Adjust” button in the top right-hand corner
Touch the + symbol in the bottom right-hand corner
Now touch the function you want to add to the photo as described below –
– Description ads a description to the photo that does not actually appear on the photo but is used when the Voiceover feature is used.
– Text ads a text box where you can insert text onto your photo
– Signature allows for you to add a signature to the photo
– There is also a Magnifier function here that can be used to enlarge a section of the photo
– You can add arrows, boxes, and circles to your photo.

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